
Showing posts from May, 2020


GOOD MORNING BOYS ! Let us learn about -DISTRIBUTIVITY OF MULTIPLICATION OVER ADDITION The examples given below explain how multiplication of large numbers can be made simple- 1)                                                                             2) 3) 4)     (  123 x 61) + ( 123 + 50 ) 123 x( 61 +50 ) 123  +  111 = 234 NOW TRY AND DO THE SUMS GIVEN BELOW- 1.   8 x 43 2.  653 x 102                                     3. 124 x 1005 4. 106 x 1142 5. 235 x 14 + 235 + 5 THIS IS ALL FOR TODAY! CLICK ON THE LINK GIVEN BELOW AND LISTEN TO BROTHERS MESSAGE- v=Nu7x_LMVrAM


GOOD MORNING BOYS ! You have learnt about commutativity of addition and multiplication. SUBTRACTION AND DIVISION ARE NOT COMMUTATIVE - because if you change the order of numbers in subtraction and division ,you get a different answer. -  Division of a whole number by 0 is not defined. FINDING THE PRODUCT SUITABLE GROUPING Like we did in addition , we will first multiply two numbers whose product should  be a multiple of 10 and then multiply the third number to this. This makes calculations easy. For eg.  7 x 5 x 2                                     ( 5 x 2 ) x 7                           10 x 7 = 70 REMEMBER THESE ...         5 x 2 = 10          25 x 4 = 100        50 x 2 = 100       125 x 8 = 1000      40 x 25  = 1000      625 x 16 = 10000 NOW SOLVE THESE SUMS IN YOUR NOTEBOOK 1. Find the product using suitable grouping a. 2 x 6 x 50   b. 4 x 12 x 125                                      c. 25 x 23 x 4 d. 125 x 144 x 8       e. 40 x 235 x 25 f. 16 x


GOOD MORNING BOYS! Let us revise  some properties of whole numbers. These properties help us to understand numbers better and make calculations under certain operations very simple!  CLOSURE PROPERTY UNDER ADDITION AND MULTIPLICATION ADDITION AND MULTIPLICATION IS COMMUTATIVE FOR WHOLE NUMBERS- This means you can add numbers in any order, the sum (answer) will be thhe same. eg. 7+3 =10             4+3+5 =12 3+7=10                                                       You can multiply numbers in any order, the product (answer) will be the same.  eg. 4 x 5=20            5 x 4 =20 ASSOCIATIVE PROPERTY OF ADDITION AND MULTIPLICATION ID ENTITY PROPERTY                                     IDENTITY PROPERTY OF ADDITION AND MULTIPLICATION- ADDITION USING SUITABLE GROUPING OF NUMBERS When we have to add three numbers, first add those two numbers which will give you a sum that is a multiple of 10. Then add the third number to the sum. For eg. 7+4+3 (7+3)+


  GOOD MORNING BOYS !  I AM SURE YOU HAVE UNDERSTOOD THE CONCEPTS OF - whole numbers, natural number ,predecessor and sucessor. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN YES/NO 1. All whole numbers are natural numbers. 2. 1 is the smallest whole number. 3.The predecessor of the natural number 1 is 0. 4.The predecessor of the whole number 6789 is 6790. 5. 1 is the smallest natural number. NUMBER LINE- On a number line ,numbers increase left to right.  The number on the right  is always greater than the number on the left. On a number line, numbers decrease right to left.  The number on the left is always smaller than the number on the right . REMEMBER!!  On a number line,the smaller number is always on the left and the bigger number is always on the right of any given number.  SOLVE THE SUMS GIVEN BELOW IN YOUR NOTEBOOk  1.)In each of the given pairs of numbers  - State which whole number is on the left of the other number on the number line.  -Also circle the bi


  Good morning boys! Welcome to the next lesson -WHOLE NUMBERS. RECOLLECT...... -Numbers  1, 2, 3, 4, ...... are natural numbers . 1 is the smallest natural number. Natural number along with zero form the collection of whole   n umbers  . 0 is the smallest whole number. ALL NATURAL NUMBERS ARE WHOLE NUMBERS BUT ALL WHOLE NUMBERS ARE NOT NATURAL NUMBERS. TRY THESE SUMS! (Do them in your notebook) 1. Write the next three natural numbers after 8567 2. Write three whole numbers occuring just before  1000. 3. How many whole numbers are there between 35 an d 54 ? THESE WERE SIMPLE TO DO !! PREDECESSOR AND SUCCESSOR OF A NUMBER SUCCESSOR of a number is 1 more than the number. For eg. the successor of 7 is 7+1 =8 PREDECESSOR of a number is 1 less than the number. For eg. the predecessor of 7 is 7-1 =6 NOW DO THIS WORKSHEET IN YOUR NOTEBOOK-   I AM SURE YOU HAVE ENJOYED PLAYING WITH NUMBERS! THIS IS ALL FOR TODAY! HAVE A GREAT DAY!


GOOD MORNING AND WELCOME MY DEAREST STUDENTS Today you will do a simple revision worksheet. You will have to find out the HCF and the LCM of the given numbers: 4,5,24 4,15,16 32,34.36 34,35,32 21,24,36 If you are able to complete the task in this given period, you are doing a great job. If you are not able to complete the sums, it only means that you need to practise.  THERE ARE NO SHORT CUTS Comments

playing with numbers -post 7

LOWEST COMMON MULTIPLE REMEMBER In order to solve these sums it is important that you know your short division.  Practise it so that you can find out the LCM faster. Be careful while multiplying the numbers.  Do not miss out on any digits.  Double check your multiplication Write down the LCM of the two sums that have been solved for you.                                                                                                                            LCM OF 48,72 AND 108 =_________      LCM OF 24,40 AND 60=________                 SOLVE THE ABOVE WORKSHEET IN YOUR  NOTEBOOK.